Launch Parameters
Here is an example batch
file with properly set launch parameters:
@echo off
::Server files location
set serverLocation="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer"
::Server Port
set serverPort=2302
::Server config
set serverConfig=serverDZ.cfg
::Server profile
set serverProfiles=profiles
::Logical CPU cores to use (Equal or less than available)
set serverCPU=4
:: Go to DayZServer location
cd "%serverLocation%"
::Launch parameters (edit end: -profiles=|-config=|-port=|-cpuCount=|-doLogs|-adminLog|-netLog|-freezeCheck|-filePatching|-BEpath=)
start "DayZ Server" /min "DayZServer_x64.exe" -config=%serverConfig% -port=%serverPort% -profiles=%serverProfiles% -cpuCount=%serverCPU% -dologs -adminlog -netlog -freezecheck
@echo off
::Server files location
set serverLocation="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer"
::Server Port
set serverPort=2302
::Server config
set serverConfig=serverDZ.cfg
::Server profile
set serverProfiles=profiles
::Logical CPU cores to use (Equal or less than available)
set serverCPU=4
:: Go to DayZServer location
cd "%serverLocation%"
::Launch parameters (edit end: -profiles=|-config=|-port=|-cpuCount=|-doLogs|-adminLog|-netLog|-freezeCheck|-filePatching|-BEpath=)
start "DayZ Server" /min "DayZServer_x64.exe" -config=%serverConfig% -port=%serverPort% -profiles=%serverProfiles% -cpuCount=%serverCPU% -dologs -adminlog -netlog -freezecheck
Supported parameters
Selects the Server Config File
Port to have dedicated server listen on
Path to the folder containing server profile. By default, server logs are written to server profile folder. Logs/dumps/etc will be created there, along with BattlEye/BEC/Rcon related files. Windows Environment variables are supported (E.g. %userprofile%
Enables all log messages in the server RPT file
Enables the admin log
Enables the network traffic logging
Stops the server when frozen for more than 5 min and create a dump file
Ensures that only PBOs are loaded and NO unpacked data.
Sets a custom path to the Battleye files
Sets the number of logical CPU cores to use for parallel tasks processing. It should be less or equal than the numbers of available cores.
Limits server FPS to specified value (current max is 200) to lower CPU usage of low population servers.
Loads the specified sub-folders for different mods. Separated by semi-colons. Absolute path and multiple stacked folders are possible.
Loads the specified sub-folders for different server-side (not broadcasted to clients) mods. Separated by semi-colons. Absolute path and multiple stacked folders are possible.
Defines custom root folder for storage location.