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Configuration File


The config file serverDZ.cfg sets all of the parameters that the server needs in order to know how to behave.

Here is a possible (working!) example:

// Main parameters //
hostname = "My DayZ Server";	// Server name
password = "";                  // Password to connect to the server
passwordAdmin = "";             // Password to become a server admin

enableWhitelist = 0;            // Enable/disable whitelist (value 0-1)
disableBanlist = false;		// Disables the usage of ban.txt (default: false)
disablePrioritylist = false;	// Disables usage of priority.txt (default: false

maxPlayers = 60;                // Maximum amount of players
verifySignatures = 2;           // Verifies .pbos against .bisign files. (only 2 is supported)
forceSameBuild = 1;             // When enabled, the server will allow the connection only to clients with same the .exe revision as the server (value 0-1)
disableVoN = 0;                 // Enable/disable voice over network (value 0-1)
vonCodecQuality = 20;           // Voice over network codec quality, the higher the better (values 0-30)
disable3rdPerson=1;             // Toggles the 3rd person view for players (value 0-1)
disableCrosshair=1;             // Toggles the cross-hair (value 0-1)

serverTime="SystemTime";        // Initial in-game time of the server. "SystemTime" means the local time of the machine. Another possibility is to set the time to some value in "YYYY/MM/DD/HH/MM" format, f.e. "2015/4/8/17/23" .
serverTimeAcceleration=6;       // Accelerated Time (value 0-24)// This is a time multiplier for in-game time. In this case, the time would move 24 times faster than normal, so an entire day would pass in one hour.
serverNightTimeAcceleration=4;  // Accelerated Nigh Time - The numerical value being a multiplier (0.1-64) and also multiplied by serverTimeAcceleration value. Thus, in case it is set to 4 and serverTimeAcceleration is set to 2, night time would move 8 times faster than normal. An entire night would pass in 3 hours.
serverTimePersistent=1;         // Persistent Time (value 0-1)// The actual server time is saved to storage, so when active, the next server start will use the saved time value.
guaranteedUpdates=1;            // Communication protocol used with game server (use only number 1)
loginQueueConcurrentPlayers=5;  // The number of players concurrently processed during the login process. Should prevent massive performance drop during connection when a lot of people are connecting at the same time.
loginQueueMaxPlayers=500;       // The maximum number of players that can wait in login queue
instanceId = 1;                 // DayZ server instance id, to identify the number of instances per box and their storage folders with persistence files

storageAutoFix = 1;             // Checks if the persistence files are corrupted and replaces corrupted ones with empty ones (value 0-1)

class Missions
    class DayZ
        template="dayzOffline.chernarusplus"; // Mission to load on server startup. <MissionName>.<TerrainName>
					      // Vanilla mission: dayzOffline.chernarusplus
					      // DLC mission: dayzOffline.enoch

// Additional parameters //
enableCfgGameplayFile = 1                       // 1 - Enable Game Settings / 0 - Disable Game Settings
respawnTime = 5;				// Sets the respawn delay (in seconds) before the player is able to get a new character on the server, when the previous one is dead

motd[] = { "[motd]line1","[motd]line2" };	// Message of the day displayed in the in-game chat
motdInterval = 1;				// Time interval (in seconds) between each message

timeStampFormat = "Short";		        // Format for timestamps in the .rpt file (value Full/Short)
logAverageFps = 1;				// Logs the average server FPS (value in seconds), needs to have ''-doLogs'' launch parameter active
logMemory = 1;					// Logs the server memory usage (value in seconds), needs to have the ''-doLogs'' launch parameter active
logPlayers = 1;					// Logs the count of currently connected players (value in seconds), needs to have the ''-doLogs'' launch parameter active
logFile = "server_console.log";	// Saves the server console log to a file in the folder with the other server logs

adminLogPlayerHitsOnly = 1;		// 1 - log player hits only / 0 - log all hits ( animals/infected )
adminLogPlacement = 1;			// 1 - log placement action ( traps, tents )
adminLogBuildActions = 0;		// 1 - log basebuilding actions ( build, dismantle, destroy )
adminLogPlayerList = 1;			// 1 - log periodic player list with position every 5 minutes

disableMultiAccountMitigation = false;  // disables multi account mitigation on consoles when true (default: false)

enableDebugMonitor = 0;			// shows info about the character using a debug window in a corner of the screen (value 0-1)

//steamQueryPort = 2305;			// defines Steam query port, should fix the issue with server not being visible in client server browser. Won't work when running the server locally.

//allowFilePatching = 1;			// if set to 1 it will enable connection of clients with "-filePatching" launch parameter enabled

//simulatedPlayersBatch = 20;		// Set limit of how much players can be simulated per frame (for server performance gain)

multithreadedReplication = 1;	        // enables multi-threaded processing of server's replication system
								// number of worker threads is derived by settings of jobsystem in dayzSettings.xml by "maxcores" and "reservedcores" parameters (value 0-1)
speedhackDetection = 1;                 // enable speedhack detection, values 1-10 (1 strict, 10 benevolent, can be float)

networkRangeClose = 20;			// network bubble distance for spawn of close objects with items in them (f.i. backpacks), set in meters, default value if not set is 20
networkRangeNear = 150;			// network bubble distance for spawn (despawn +10%) of near inventory items objects, set in meters, default value if not set is 150
networkRangeFar = 1000;			// network bubble distance for spawn (despawn +10%) of far objects (other than inventory items), set in meters, default value if not set is 1000
networkRangeDistantEffect = 4000;       // network bubble distance for spawn of effects (currently only sound effects), set in meters, default value if not set is 4000
networkObjectBatchSend = 10;		// number of objects within a player's network bubble that are sent to be created within a server frame
networkObjectBatchCompute = 1000;	// number of objects within a player's network bubble that are processed to check if it already exists for the player within a server frame

defaultVisibility=1375;			// highest terrain render distance on server (if higher than "viewDistance=" in DayZ client profile, clientside parameter applies)
defaultObjectViewDistance=1375;	        // highest object render distance on server (if higher than "preferredObjectViewDistance=" in DayZ client profile, clientside parameter applies)

lightingConfig = 1;				// 0 for brighter night, 1 for darker night
disablePersonalLight = 1;		// disables personal light for all clients connected to server

disableBaseDamage = 0;			// set to 1 to disable damage/destruction of fence and watchtower
disableContainerDamage = 0;		// set to 1 to disable damage/destruction of tents, barrels, wooden crate and seachest
disableRespawnDialog = 0;             // set to 1 to disable the respawn dialog (new characters will be spawning as random)

pingWarning = 200;              // set to define the ping value from which the initial yellow ping warning is triggered (value in milliseconds)
pingCritical = 250;             // set to define the ping value from which the red ping warning is triggered (value in milliseconds)
MaxPing = 300;                  // set to define the ping value from which a player is kicked from the server (value in milliseconds)
serverFpsWarning = 15;          // set to define the server fps value under which the initial server fps warning is triggered (minimum value is 11)
// Main parameters //
hostname = "My DayZ Server";	// Server name
password = "";                  // Password to connect to the server
passwordAdmin = "";             // Password to become a server admin

enableWhitelist = 0;            // Enable/disable whitelist (value 0-1)
disableBanlist = false;		// Disables the usage of ban.txt (default: false)
disablePrioritylist = false;	// Disables usage of priority.txt (default: false

maxPlayers = 60;                // Maximum amount of players
verifySignatures = 2;           // Verifies .pbos against .bisign files. (only 2 is supported)
forceSameBuild = 1;             // When enabled, the server will allow the connection only to clients with same the .exe revision as the server (value 0-1)
disableVoN = 0;                 // Enable/disable voice over network (value 0-1)
vonCodecQuality = 20;           // Voice over network codec quality, the higher the better (values 0-30)
disable3rdPerson=1;             // Toggles the 3rd person view for players (value 0-1)
disableCrosshair=1;             // Toggles the cross-hair (value 0-1)

serverTime="SystemTime";        // Initial in-game time of the server. "SystemTime" means the local time of the machine. Another possibility is to set the time to some value in "YYYY/MM/DD/HH/MM" format, f.e. "2015/4/8/17/23" .
serverTimeAcceleration=6;       // Accelerated Time (value 0-24)// This is a time multiplier for in-game time. In this case, the time would move 24 times faster than normal, so an entire day would pass in one hour.
serverNightTimeAcceleration=4;  // Accelerated Nigh Time - The numerical value being a multiplier (0.1-64) and also multiplied by serverTimeAcceleration value. Thus, in case it is set to 4 and serverTimeAcceleration is set to 2, night time would move 8 times faster than normal. An entire night would pass in 3 hours.
serverTimePersistent=1;         // Persistent Time (value 0-1)// The actual server time is saved to storage, so when active, the next server start will use the saved time value.
guaranteedUpdates=1;            // Communication protocol used with game server (use only number 1)
loginQueueConcurrentPlayers=5;  // The number of players concurrently processed during the login process. Should prevent massive performance drop during connection when a lot of people are connecting at the same time.
loginQueueMaxPlayers=500;       // The maximum number of players that can wait in login queue
instanceId = 1;                 // DayZ server instance id, to identify the number of instances per box and their storage folders with persistence files

storageAutoFix = 1;             // Checks if the persistence files are corrupted and replaces corrupted ones with empty ones (value 0-1)

class Missions
    class DayZ
        template="dayzOffline.chernarusplus"; // Mission to load on server startup. <MissionName>.<TerrainName>
					      // Vanilla mission: dayzOffline.chernarusplus
					      // DLC mission: dayzOffline.enoch

// Additional parameters //
enableCfgGameplayFile = 1                       // 1 - Enable Game Settings / 0 - Disable Game Settings
respawnTime = 5;				// Sets the respawn delay (in seconds) before the player is able to get a new character on the server, when the previous one is dead

motd[] = { "[motd]line1","[motd]line2" };	// Message of the day displayed in the in-game chat
motdInterval = 1;				// Time interval (in seconds) between each message

timeStampFormat = "Short";		        // Format for timestamps in the .rpt file (value Full/Short)
logAverageFps = 1;				// Logs the average server FPS (value in seconds), needs to have ''-doLogs'' launch parameter active
logMemory = 1;					// Logs the server memory usage (value in seconds), needs to have the ''-doLogs'' launch parameter active
logPlayers = 1;					// Logs the count of currently connected players (value in seconds), needs to have the ''-doLogs'' launch parameter active
logFile = "server_console.log";	// Saves the server console log to a file in the folder with the other server logs

adminLogPlayerHitsOnly = 1;		// 1 - log player hits only / 0 - log all hits ( animals/infected )
adminLogPlacement = 1;			// 1 - log placement action ( traps, tents )
adminLogBuildActions = 0;		// 1 - log basebuilding actions ( build, dismantle, destroy )
adminLogPlayerList = 1;			// 1 - log periodic player list with position every 5 minutes

disableMultiAccountMitigation = false;  // disables multi account mitigation on consoles when true (default: false)

enableDebugMonitor = 0;			// shows info about the character using a debug window in a corner of the screen (value 0-1)

//steamQueryPort = 2305;			// defines Steam query port, should fix the issue with server not being visible in client server browser. Won't work when running the server locally.

//allowFilePatching = 1;			// if set to 1 it will enable connection of clients with "-filePatching" launch parameter enabled

//simulatedPlayersBatch = 20;		// Set limit of how much players can be simulated per frame (for server performance gain)

multithreadedReplication = 1;	        // enables multi-threaded processing of server's replication system
								// number of worker threads is derived by settings of jobsystem in dayzSettings.xml by "maxcores" and "reservedcores" parameters (value 0-1)
speedhackDetection = 1;                 // enable speedhack detection, values 1-10 (1 strict, 10 benevolent, can be float)

networkRangeClose = 20;			// network bubble distance for spawn of close objects with items in them (f.i. backpacks), set in meters, default value if not set is 20
networkRangeNear = 150;			// network bubble distance for spawn (despawn +10%) of near inventory items objects, set in meters, default value if not set is 150
networkRangeFar = 1000;			// network bubble distance for spawn (despawn +10%) of far objects (other than inventory items), set in meters, default value if not set is 1000
networkRangeDistantEffect = 4000;       // network bubble distance for spawn of effects (currently only sound effects), set in meters, default value if not set is 4000
networkObjectBatchSend = 10;		// number of objects within a player's network bubble that are sent to be created within a server frame
networkObjectBatchCompute = 1000;	// number of objects within a player's network bubble that are processed to check if it already exists for the player within a server frame

defaultVisibility=1375;			// highest terrain render distance on server (if higher than "viewDistance=" in DayZ client profile, clientside parameter applies)
defaultObjectViewDistance=1375;	        // highest object render distance on server (if higher than "preferredObjectViewDistance=" in DayZ client profile, clientside parameter applies)

lightingConfig = 1;				// 0 for brighter night, 1 for darker night
disablePersonalLight = 1;		// disables personal light for all clients connected to server

disableBaseDamage = 0;			// set to 1 to disable damage/destruction of fence and watchtower
disableContainerDamage = 0;		// set to 1 to disable damage/destruction of tents, barrels, wooden crate and seachest
disableRespawnDialog = 0;             // set to 1 to disable the respawn dialog (new characters will be spawning as random)

pingWarning = 200;              // set to define the ping value from which the initial yellow ping warning is triggered (value in milliseconds)
pingCritical = 250;             // set to define the ping value from which the red ping warning is triggered (value in milliseconds)
MaxPing = 300;                  // set to define the ping value from which a player is kicked from the server (value in milliseconds)
serverFpsWarning = 15;          // set to define the server fps value under which the initial server fps warning is triggered (minimum value is 11)

Let's see what these settings do.


  • Type: Text
  • Description: The server name


  • Type: Text
  • Description: Password to connect to the server


  • Type: Text
  • Description: Password to become a server admin


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 0-1
  • Description: Enable/disable whitelist


  • Type: Boolean
  • Value: true/false
  • Default: false
  • Description: Disables the usage of ban.txt


  • Type: Boolean
  • Value: true/false
  • Default: false
  • Description: Disables usage of priority.txt


  • Type: Numeric
  • Description: Maximum number of players


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 2
  • Description: Verifies .pbos against .bisign files. Only 2 is supported


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 0-1
  • Description: When enabled, the server will allow the connection only to clients with same the .exe revision as the server


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 0-1
  • Description: Enable/disable voice over network


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 0-30
  • Description: Voice over network codec quality, the higher the better


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 0-1
  • Description: Toggles the 3rd person view for players


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 0-1
  • Description: Toggles the cross-hair


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 0-1
  • Description: Disables personal light for all clients connected to server


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 0-1
  • Description: 0 for brighter night setup, 1 for darker night setup


  • Type: Text
  • Description: Initial in-game time of the server. "SystemTime" means the local time of the machine. Another possibility is to set the time to some value in "YYYY/MM/DD/HH/MM" format, e.g. "2015/4/8/17/23".


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 0-24
  • Description: Accelerated Time. This is a time multiplier for in-game time. If it was set to 24, the time would move 24 times faster than normal, so an entire day would pass in one hour.


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value=0.1-64
  • Description: Accelerated Nigh Time. The numerical value being a multiplier (0.1-64) and also multiplied by serverTimeAcceleration value. Thus, in case it is set to 4 and serverTimeAcceleration is set to 2, night time would move 8 times faster than normal. An entire night would pass in 3 hours.


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 0-1;
  • Description: Persistent Time. The actual server time is saved to storage, so when active, the next server start will use the saved time value.


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 1
  • Description: Communication protocol used with game server (use only number 1)


  • Type: Numeric
  • Description: The number of players concurrently processed during the login process. Should prevent massive performance drop during connection when a lot of people are connecting at the same time.


  • Type: Numeric
  • Description: The maximum number of players that can wait in login queue


  • Type: Numeric
  • Description: DayZ server instance id, to identify the number of instances per box and their storage folders with persistence files


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 0-1
  • Description: Checks if the persistence files are corrupted and replaces corrupted ones with empty ones


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 0-1
  • Default: 0
  • Description: Sets the respawn delay (in seconds) before the player is able to get a new character on the server, when the previous one is dead


  • Type: Numeric
  • Description: 1 - Enable Game Settings / 0 - Disable Game Settings. See Gameplay Settings


  • Type: Text Array
  • Description: Message of the day displayed in the in-game chat


  • Type: Numeric
  • Description: Time interval (in seconds) between each message


  • Type: Text
  • Value: Full/Short
  • Description: Format for timestamps in the .rpt file (value Full/Short)


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 0-1
  • Description: Logs the average server FPS (value in seconds), needs to have -doLogs launch parameter active


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 0-1
  • Description: Logs the server memory usage (value in seconds), needs to have the -doLogs launch parameter active


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 0-1
  • Description: Logs the count of currently connected players (value in seconds), needs to have the -doLogs launch parameter active


  • Type: Text
  • Description: Saves the server console log to a file in the folder with the other server logs


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 0-1
  • Description: 1 - log player hits only; 0 - log all hits (animals/infected)


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 0-1
  • Description: 1 - log placement action (traps, tents)


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 0-1
  • Description: 1 - log basebuilding actions (build, dismantle, destroy)


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 0-1
  • Description: 1 - log periodic player list with position every 5 minutes


  • Type: Boolean
  • Value: true/false
  • Default: false
  • Description: disables multi account mitigation on consoles when true


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 0-1
  • Description: shows info about the character using a debug window in a corner of the screen


  • Type: Numeric
  • Description: defines Steam query port, should fix the issue with server not being visible in client server browser. Won't work when running the server locally.


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 0-1
  • Description: if set to 1 it will enable connection of clients with -filePatching launch parameter enabled


  • Type: Numeric
  • Description: Set limit of how much players can be simulated per frame (for server performance gain)


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 0-1
  • Description: enables multi-threaded processing of server's replication system. The number of worker threads is derived by the settings of jobsystem in dayzSettings.xml, by the maxcores and reservedcores parameters


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 1-10, can be float
  • Description: enable speedhack detection; 1 is strict, 10 is benevolent


  • Type: Numeric
  • Default: 20
  • Description: network bubble distance for spawn of close objects with items in them (e.g. backpacks), set in meters.


  • Type: Numeric
  • Default: 150
  • Description: network bubble distance for spawn (despawn +10%) of near inventory items objects, set in meters.


  • Type: Numeric
  • Default: 1000
  • Description: network bubble distance for spawn (despawn +10%) of far objects (other than inventory items), set in meters.


  • Type: Numeric
  • Default: 4000
  • Description: network bubble distance for spawn of effects (currently only sound effects), set in meters.


  • Type: Numeric
  • Description: number of objects within a player's network bubble that are sent to be created within a server frame


  • Type: Numeric
  • Description: number of objects within a player's network bubble that are processed to check if it already exists for the player within a server frame


  • Type: Numeric
  • Description: highest terrain render distance on server (if higher than viewDistance= in DayZ client profile, clientside parameter applies)


  • Type: Numeric
  • Description: highest object render distance on server (if higher than preferredObjectViewDistance= in DayZ client profile, clientside parameter applies)


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 0-1
  • Description: set to 1 to disable damage/destruction of fence and watchtower


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 0-1
  • Description: set to 1 to disable damage/destruction of tents, barrels, wooden crate and seachest


  • Type: Numeric
  • Value: 0-1
  • Description: set to 1 to disable the respawn dialog (new characters will be spawning as random)


  • Type: Numeric
  • Description: set to define the ping value from which the initial yellow ping warning is triggered (value in milliseconds)


  • Type: Numeric
  • Description: set to define the ping value from which the red ping warning is triggered (value in milliseconds)


  • Type: Numeric
  • Description: set to define the ping value from which a player is kicked from the server (value in milliseconds)


  • Type: Numeric
  • Description: set to define the server fps value under which the initial server fps warning is triggered (minimum value is 11)